has simplified the box ordering process. By offering three grades of corrugated board, you can choose the right strength for your box application. If you still have questions, please call 1-855-720-9309 or learn more about us online!
The strength of a box depends on its size and the strength of the corrugated used in its construction. The larger the box, the more strength it can hold:
- “STANDARD” strength box: Single-wall, 32 ECT, we do not recommend exceeding 65 lbs and 75 total inches of measurement.
- “STRONG” box: Single-wall, 44 ECT, we do not recommend exceeding 95 lbs and 95 total inches of measurement.
- “EXTRA STRONG” box: Double-wall, 51 ECT, we do not recommend exceeding 105 total inches and 120 lbs
Total inches can be measured by taking the outside dimensions of the box and adding them together (length, height, and width.)